




西芳寺百景 第五景








In the great silence,
permeating the rock—
the humming cry of cicadas.


In a green silence,
the ringing cries of cicadas
ingested by moss.

(苔むす緑のなか 蝉の響き渡る声が 苔のなかへ吸収されてゆく)



When the Crepe Myrtle Blossoms

Every time I go to Saihoji I feel a sudden rush of joy and as if endless possibilities may unfold before me. The moment I enter the garden I am like a little bird set from a cage into a beautiful untrammeled paradise. But when I start to walk around the garden it is difficult to maintain that feeling. I come to see the garden around once a month, so sometimes I wonder if there is anything new that I can write about. I get agitated and worry that if I do not make new discoveries and thus disappoint my readers. 

Then I start to remember previous visits or think of things in the outside world, thoughts of work and other random thoughts. And I often recall how moved I was the first time I visited the garden over thirty years ago and try to return to that feeling of experiencing the beauty and mystery of the garden for the first time.  Whenever I visit  the garden, I realized that I also experience the sense of finite limitations in my life: the time remaining to me on the earth, the limits of my abilities, my inability to live within the moment, my  lack of a  Zen training, etc, So I could say that at Saihoji I feel both endless possibility and the limitations of my daily life at the same time.

On my visit today, it is the season when the crape myrtle is blossoming, and a flash of red contrasts with the lovely green mosses of Saihoji. The ringing noises of the cicada fill the garden with a resounding chorus, and little black tadpoles are swimming around the bottom of the pond. The heat is intense everywhere today, but in the garden, there are many long shadows and somehow it feels a little cooler. I am seeing everything through a thunderous  sound—the chorus of minng minng minng of the cicada, and they remind me of the famous haiku by Matsuo Basho.


In the great silence,
permeating the rock—
the humming cry of cicadas.

But at Saihoji the sounds are not disappearing into rocks but absorbed gently into the moss.

In a green silence,
the ringing cries of cicadas
ingested by moss.

Then in remembering this haiku and creating a new one based on the original one, I realized that I have overcome my feeling of anxiety and had a new and unique experience this time in the garden.  This is the goal of every visit to Saihoji, and to achieve it, I realized this time that if I become more conscious of my anxieties and limitations, it will be easier for me to overcome them. And I hope my reflections will be helpful for the readers too as you face your own struggles and seek ways to overcome them in your life.  The first step in liberation is to become aware of what one is suffering from and in that sense Saihoji is my great teacher. 



Peter MacMillan ピーター・J・マクミラン

翻訳家・詩人。株式会社 月の舟(制作・翻訳会社) 代表取締役。
2008年に英訳『百人一首』を出版し、日米で翻訳賞を受賞。2016年9月には英訳『The Tales of Ise』(伊勢物語)、2017年には英訳『One Hundred Poets One Poem Each(新訳)』の2冊がPenguin Booksより出版される。近著に『日本の古典を英語で読む』『英語で味わう万葉集』など著書多数。2019年より朝日新聞にて「星の林に」、2022年より京都新聞にて「不思議の国の和歌ワンダーランド 英語で読む百人一首」を連載。

