




体露金風 西芳寺第十一景





In season of mists,
experiencing fully
the winds of gold.

露の頃 存分に感じる 金の風





皆さんにとって、西芳寺で過ごす時間が、ご自身の新たな旅を始めるきっかけになればと願っております。美しい金風が、皆さんの旅の一瞬一瞬を包み込み、皆さんを鼓舞し、自分にしか歩めない道へと進むよう背中を押してくれることでしょう。私はこの禅語に大きな影響を受け、残りの人生を歩んでいく際の規範と捉えるようになりました。ですから、私の連載のタイトルも「Winds of Gold—A Hundred Views of Saihoji」に変更することにしました。日本語版タイトルは、「体露金風 西芳寺」です。

Winds of Gold

Today I would like to look back to one of my visits to the garden at the end of November 2024. The garden was in its full color, yellows, reds and golds. Even the breezes themselves seemed to be golden, and it reminded me of one of my favorite zen phrases, tairo kinpu 体露金風. It comes from the Zen text The Blue Cliff Record (Hekiganroku). There was a famous Zen master called Unmon who lived in China around 1,000 years ago who was once asked the following question by a monk.

“In late fall, when the cold, wintry winds begin to blow and the leaves fall from the trees, how do you feel?”
Tairo kinpu,” Unmon replied:

In season of mists,
experiencing fully
the winds of gold.

The monk was asking Unmon how he felt about all things in nature dying off as winter approaches and hinting about the advancing old age and decline of Unmon himself. But Unmon’s reply instead suggests the invigorating breezes and dazzling colors of autumn foliage.

I believe it shows a wonderful sense of self-acceptance, of living fully in the moment and realizing that if we live fully each moment that aging or youth or failing or succeeding are not important; there is only two things that are important, namely always being true to oneself and always living fully every moment. If we are true to ourselves and always present in ourselves then every age can be the age of golden winds.

Let’s look at the kanji characters. The first one is the character for the body of oneself, or just oneself, which is followed by the character for dew, —commonly associated with both the fragility of life and the season of autumn, —a perfect image of a man in the last quarter of his life. These two characters are followed by the characters for “gold” and “winds.”

At first, they seem very much in contrast and surprising because something gold suggests a peak of life and not advancing old age. But the way I interpret the phrase is that any age and every age can be our golden age, and indeed every age must be our golden age. We can achieve this by living fully each moment and always being true to ourselves.

I hope that when you walk around Saihoji that it will inspire you to begin your own journey embraced at every moment by beautiful golden winds, that both invigorate you and push you forward on your own unique path in life.

This saying influenced me so much and I came to see it as a reflection on the way I should live in the last quarter of my own life. Because of it, I decided to change the title of my column to Winds of Gold—A Hundred Views of Saihoji.

Peter MacMillan ピーター・J・マクミラン

翻訳家・詩人。株式会社 月の舟(制作・翻訳会社) 代表取締役。
2008年に英訳『百人一首』を出版し、日米で翻訳賞を受賞。2016年9月には英訳『The Tales of Ise』(伊勢物語)、2017年には英訳『One Hundred Poets One Poem Each(新訳)』の2冊がPenguin Booksより出版される。近著に『日本の古典を英語で読む』『英語で味わう万葉集』など著書多数。2019年より朝日新聞にて「星の林に」、2022年より京都新聞にて「不思議の国の和歌ワンダーランド 英語で読む百人一首」を連載。

