




西芳寺百景 第九景






   ちはやぶる 神代も聞かず 竜田川
   からくれなゐに 水くくるとは


   Such beauty unheard of
   Even in the age of the raging gods—
   The Tatsuta River
   tie-dying its Waters
   in autumnal colors.





A Beauty Unheard of…

This month’s visit to Saihoji coincided with the peak of the maple leaves. The maples were late this year, and I had visited another temple the previous week, when only half of the leaves had changed color. Because of that I was not expecting to see magnificent maples, and I cannot describe fully the feeling of astonishment at seeing the maples upon entering the garden. 

A dazzling brocade of maple in reds and yellows in dappled sunlight suddenly came into view. My breath was completely taken away, and I felt as if my heart had jumped out of my body, bewitched by the magic of the maples. I visit the garden very often and I know it is always different. I knew too that this view of the garden would only exist for the briefest time, that I would never see this exact same view of the garden, and that made it even more special for me.

I was reminded of the poem by Ariwara no Narihira:
   Such beauty unheard of
   Even in the age of the raging gods—
   The Tatsuta River
   tie-dying its Waters
   in autumnal colors.

In classical Japanese the Tatsuta River was a place synonymous with beautiful maples. The original poem opens with the word chihayaburu which is a pillow word that is hard to translate but it is often paired with gods and refers to their awesome power. For the ancient poets this word has a magic power, and by using this single word, the poet opens the door to a new dimension, a world of godly awe and beauty that transcends the everyday. 

I had the same feeling of awe and beauty the moment I entered the garden, and I understood what the ancient poets were aiming to express. The poem describes the maples on water, but my view was of red and yellowed maples lit up in the dappled morning sunlight with lovely green mosses and water beneath. 

After viewing the garden, I went into the temple and returned an hour later. Already the sunlight was dimmed by clouds, and though still beautiful, it seemed like a different place. Every time I visit, I feel that Saihoji is teaching me a lesson. The lesson today was that life, like nature, is always full of beauty and surprises, and is always fleeting. No matter how tiny a life we live, there is always a time when we can experience the greatest beauty, and that beauty teaches us the power of nature and how the universe supports us fully. But as our lives are also fleeting and we live only once, we must live our lives to the fullest as much as we can. 

It may seem hard but if you pursue your dream, nature and the universe will support you, and you, too, can bloom like a flower, be resplendent in autumn colors, live by the light of the sun, by the waters of the springs and the riches of the earth.

Peter MacMillan ピーター・J・マクミラン

翻訳家・詩人。株式会社 月の舟(制作・翻訳会社) 代表取締役。
2008年に英訳『百人一首』を出版し、日米で翻訳賞を受賞。2016年9月には英訳『The Tales of Ise』(伊勢物語)、2017年には英訳『One Hundred Poets One Poem Each(新訳)』の2冊がPenguin Booksより出版される。近著に『日本の古典を英語で読む』『英語で味わう万葉集』など著書多数。2019年より朝日新聞にて「星の林に」、2022年より京都新聞にて「不思議の国の和歌ワンダーランド 英語で読む百人一首」を連載。



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